Men's Health Survey

Prepare for your consultation by providing the pharmacist with your health information.

Complete the form below with men’s health questions and one of our pharmacists will be in touch with you to schedule your consultation (which takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.)

Need to reach us sooner? Call (800) 836-2303 or send us a text.

MPA logo - health dimensions clinical pharmacy is michigan pharmacists association member
PCAB Logo - HDRX is an Accredited Compounding Pharmacy
HDRX is an Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding member - logo
PCCA - Health Dimensions Clinical Pharmacy is a PCCA member
Health Dimensions is an APMS member
Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board - Logo
podiatry and compounding

How Podiatrists Work with Compounding Pharmacists

Regardless of the medications involved, the close partnership between a podiatrist and a compounding pharmacy provides ...

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