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Immune Health Supplements Recommendations - Best Michigan Compounding Pharmacy

One of the greatest things you can do for your body is be aware of how your choices affect your health. Every day is a new chance to do what is right for your body. Here are a few ways you can be more conscientious during the winter to avoid illness and maintain a healthy lifestyle:

1. Be Location Conscious

During the cold and flu season, germs are easily spread through contact. When visiting a grocery store, make sure to wipe the handle of your cart before using it. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in hot, soapy water after using the restroom, playing at the playground, or using public transportation. Be aware of what your hands touch, as that can contribute greatly as to whether or not you pick up an illness.

2. Manage Stress: Create Habits

It is highly possible that long-term stress makes us more susceptible to sickness. Unfortunately, stress is a common problem for many people. A few ways to cope with stress include: regular periods of sleep (7-9 hours), relaxing breathing techniques, diffusing essential oils, making sure to have personal time for yourself, and keeping a journal. Avoid smoking, caffeine, and alcohol.


3. Eat Colorful, Wholesome Food

Consuming bright foods is essential to receiving the vitamins and antioxidants that our body needs to be healthy. Choose foods that have bursts of red, aromatic spice, dark greens, cheerful yellows, and sprinkles of seeds or nuts. Eating whole foods has proven to be beneficial in maintaining a healthy digestive tract and staying balanced. Whole foods are those that are unprocessed, unrefined, and are as close to their original form as possible. This would include fruits, nuts, whole grains, starches, and vegetables. The body is able to break these down with ease, making its processes more efficient.

4. Keep Up with Vaccinations

It is important to stay up-to-date with vaccinations. The flu vaccination, for instance, is one that is readily accessible during the winter months and can be received yearly to help avoid illness. Speak to your doctor regarding maintaining vaccinations.

5. Move It, Move It!

Only 30 minutes of activity a day can help you manage your weight and get your heart pumping! Cardio exercises like HIIT, kickboxing, cycling, and running can elevate your heart rate and keep your energy levels high the rest of the day. Activities such as yoga, rock climbing, and martial arts can leave you feeling challenged in both balance and strength. There are many exercise opportunities to choose, and you may find yourself easily surpassing the 30 minute mark!

6. Supplements

If you feel that your nutritional needs are not quite being reached (which is common during the winter months!), supplements are an excellent solution to help maintain your prime. Supplements containing Zinc and Vitamin C are particularly helpful when defending the immune system from stomach bugs and the common cold. This month, Health Dimensions Clinical Pharmacy has a special 25% off sale on Viracid! The supplement Viracid contains Zinc, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and a series of herbal extracts which combine for optimal immune support.

This week is the last chance to take advantage of Health Dimension’s special offer on Ortho Molecular Viracid! Order online or call the Patient Care Service Department at 248-489-1573.

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We look forward to being your trusted partner in health. Choose HDRX for personalized care, expertise, and support in managing your health needs.

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