Articles on "Women’s Health"

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT): A Michigan Practitioner’s Guide

In the state of Michigan, healthcare practitioners frequently encounter patients struggling with hormone-related health issues that profoundly affect their quality of life.

Addressing Hormone Imbalances in Men & Women: Common Prescriptions, Supplements, and Compounding Pharmacy’s Role

Hormones are chemical messengers that coordinate several different functions in the human body. They serve as signals to tell your body how and when to carry out a function. Hormones are vital for life and maintaining health.

Methylene Blue & Improving Mitochondrial Function – Michigan Compounding Pharmacy

Exploring how methylene blue may be linked to mitochondrial functioning and overall health.

Beware! A battle is brewing devastating treatment options and impacting women’s hormone health

The FDA has moved to restrict compounded bioidentical hormone therapy, severely impacting quality of life treatment options for women.

podiatry and compounding

How Podiatrists Work with Compounding Pharmacists

Regardless of the medications involved, the close partnership between a podiatrist and a compounding pharmacy provides ...

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