Why Michigan Urologists Prescribe Oral Sildenafil & Tri-Mix Injections for Erectile Dysfunction

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In the realm of men’s health, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent concern that can significantly impact the quality of life and self-esteem of those affected. It can affect important, intimate relationships, and should be addressed upon diagnosis.

“Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is defined as “the inability to attain and/or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance” or “the consistent or recurrent inability to attain and/or maintain penile erection sufficient for sexual satisfaction”.
Source: American Urological Association

Michigan Docs Collaborate with Compounders to Expand Erectile Dysfunction Options

While commercial, mass-produced medications offer a one-size-fits all approach, practitioners are increasingly turning to compounding pharmacies like HDRX to provide personalized medications that address the unique needs of each patient. 

Understanding the Challenge

Erectile dysfunction is a multifaceted challenge that often demands a multifaceted approach. While commercially available medications like Viagra are readily available due to being mass produced, it’s crucial to acknowledge that not all patients respond equally to these standardized medications on the market. Many factors, such as individual health conditions, allergies, sensitivities, and preferences, influence a patient’s response to medication. This is where compounding pharmacies play a pivotal role.


Customized Solutions for Men’s Health

Compounding pharmacies like HDRX specialize in formulating medications tailored to individual needs. 

When it comes to erectile dysfunction, this approach holds immense promise. 

Practitioners working in the field of urology understand that every patient is unique and requires personalized attention. 

When commercially made medications aren’t a good fit or aren’t showing results, other options are needed.

Oral Capsules and Tablets: 

HDRX creates oral capsules and sublingual lozenges containing sildenafil, tadalafil or other active ingredients commonly used for ED. The advantage lies in the ability to customize dosages, combine ingredients as needed, and avoid allergens or additives that might trigger adverse reactions. This means that a patient who may not tolerate certain additives in commercial medications can find relief with a compounded solution.

A study testing the efficacy of sildenafil on erectile dysfunction resulted in intercourse success rates significantly higher (53%) among patients who received sildenafil, than those who received placebo (20%). Patients who received sildenafil were highly satisfied with their sexual life compared with patients who received placebo.

Injectables for Targeted Action:

HDRX’s state-of-the-art sterile compounding labs enable the creation of injectables designed to provide rapid and targeted relief.

Intracavernosal injections (ICIs) for addressing erectile dysfunction (ED) include injectables like Tri-Mix or Quad-Mix, which combine multiple active ingredients for a potent response. Such injectables are especially useful for patients who haven’t found success with traditional medications. 

According to the World Journal of Urology:

ICIs are associated with good clinical efficacy rates, high discontinuation rates and a moderate side-effect profile. They represent an important tool in the urological armamentarium for treating ED in patients that cannot tolerate or are refractory to oral therapies.

Source: World Journal of Urology

It’s important to work with an established, accredited sterile compounding pharmacy like HDRX, to provide your patients with ED injectable medications.

Working with Michigan Urologists

For Michigan-based urologists, the opportunity to offer these personalized solutions to their patients is invaluable. By working with HDRX, practitioners can provide patients with an experience that goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. Urologists can confidently recommend therapies that align with their patients’ needs and values, strengthening the patient-practitioner relationship and enhancing patient satisfaction and loyalty.


Practitioners: Are you interested in offering your patients more options in addressing Erectile Dysfunction (ED), enhancing their experience with more potential for success?


Let’s talk about how we can work together


  1. Duncan, C., Omran, G.J., Teh, J. et al. Erectile dysfunction: a global review of intracavernosal injectables. World J Urol 37, 1007–1014 (2019).
  2. Katz SD, Parker JD, Glasser DB, Bank AJ, Sherman N, Wang H et al. Efficacy and safety of sildenafil citrate in men with erectile dysfunction and chronic heart failure. Am J Cardiol 2005; 95: 36–42.

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