Commerce's Top Compounding Pharmacy

Michigan medical practitioners & their patients trust us for the best results.

michigan compounding pharmacist - Scott Popyk
HDRX is a PCAB Accredited Compounding Pharmacy

Health Dimensions Pharmacists Partner with Prescribers and Patients for Optimal Treatment Outcomes

Health Dimensions Clinical Pharmacy works with physicians and patients to provide personalized, customized pharmaceuticals, delivered in the form best suited to the patient’s needs.

We support patients to follow through with prescribed treatment and overcome any barriers to treatment adherence. The best therapeutic outcome is our focus.

michigan compounding pharmacy

Have a Question?

Purity, Quality & Safety

We maintain the highest standards for quality, purity, and patient safety.

Supporting Patient Success

We are here to empower you to take control of your own health.


Personalized Formulations

We provide customized, personalized medications for hard-to-treat conditions.

Sterile Compounding

USP certified sterile compounding for injectables, infusions, eye drops & more.

Areas of Special Compounding Expertise

Men's Health treatment options

Men's Health

michigan compounding pharmacy for Children's Health

Kids Medicine

compounding for Pain Management

Pain Management

compounded solutions for Immune Health

Immune Health


michigan compounded solutions for Hair Loss and Skin Care

Hair Loss & Skin Care

compounded Dental Medications in Michigan

Dental Medication

compounded ear, nose and throat treatment

Ear, Nose & Throat Medication

compounded foot and ankle medications

Foot & Ankle Health

michigan compounding pharmacy for pets

Medicines for Pets

compounded sterile eye drops

Ophthalmic Eye Drops

compounded Adrenal and Thyroid Treatment

Thyroid & Adrenal Hormones

michigan compounding pharmacy for sterile compounding

Sterile Compounding

Personalized Supplement recommendations

Nutritional Balance Consultation

MPA logo - health dimensions clinical pharmacy is michigan pharmacists association member
PCAB Logo - HDRX is an Accredited Compounding Pharmacy
HDRX is an Alliance for Pharmacy Compounding member - logo
PCCA - Health Dimensions Clinical Pharmacy is a PCCA member
Health Dimensions is an APMS member
Pharmacy Compounding Accreditation Board - Logo
podiatry and compounding

How Podiatrists Work with Compounding Pharmacists

Regardless of the medications involved, the close partnership between a podiatrist and a compounding pharmacy provides ...

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